منتدى فتح الله بركات الاعدادية بنات
[بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
عزيزى الزائر/عزيزتى الزائرة...يرجى التكرم بتسجيل الدخول اذا كنت عضوا معنا او التسجيل اذا اردت الانضمام الينا فنحن نتشرف بعضويتك
ادارة المنتدى
منتدى فتح الله بركات الاعدادية بنات
[بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
عزيزى الزائر/عزيزتى الزائرة...يرجى التكرم بتسجيل الدخول اذا كنت عضوا معنا او التسجيل اذا اردت الانضمام الينا فنحن نتشرف بعضويتك
ادارة المنتدى
منتدى فتح الله بركات الاعدادية بنات
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
منتدى فتح الله بركات الاعدادية بنات

أهلا ومرحبا بكم فى منتداكم ........مدير الموقع /ا/ نصر ابو طاحون .... المشرف العام / ا/ أيمن ابو علام
الرئيسيةالرئيسية  البوابةالبوابة  أحدث الصورأحدث الصور  التسجيلالتسجيل  دخول  
منتدانا كلنا يتمنى المشاركة من الجميع فى الموضوعات والردود
كل عام أنتم بخير بمناسبة بدايةالعام الدراسى 2013//2014..ونتمنى للجميع التوفيق

المسابقة الدولية لمشروع ThinkQuest http://www.thinkquest.org/competition

منتدى مدرسة فقتح الله بركات الاعدادية للبنات يرحب بالطالبات الجدد للصف الاول الاعدادى للعام الدراسى 2012 /2013 ويتمنى لكل طالبات المدرسة التوفيق والنجاح

نتائج البحث
Rechercher بحث متقدم
المواضيع الأخيرة
» منصة وصفحة مجانية لكل مدرس ومدرب بشبكة اقراء
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالثلاثاء سبتمبر 28, 2021 9:29 am من طرف sakr75

» دروس خصوصية اون لاين مجانا لاول مرة
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالثلاثاء يوليو 28, 2015 1:07 pm من طرف sakr75

» المنهج كامل متكامل ..الصف الاول الاعدادى ..ترم اول
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالأحد ديسمبر 14, 2014 5:10 am من طرف سامح خليل

» اسئله للصف الاول الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الثانى
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالإثنين ديسمبر 08, 2014 11:00 pm من طرف ك/ شيماء محمود محمد

» اوائل المدرسة ..الصف الثانى الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الاول 2013/2014
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالأربعاء يناير 08, 2014 2:32 pm من طرف nasrabotahoun

» اوائل المدرسة ..الصف الاول الاعدادى الفصل الدراسى الاول 2013/2014
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالأربعاء يناير 08, 2014 2:30 pm من طرف nasrabotahoun

» مذكرة فى منهج الصف الاول الاعدادى حاسب الى ترم اول
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالإثنين أكتوبر 21, 2013 1:58 am من طرف roaamore

» مراجعة تاريخ للصف الاول حتى الدولة الوسطى / ايمن ابو علام
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالثلاثاء أكتوبر 08, 2013 1:50 am من طرف بابى اسلام

» ثوابت إعرابية
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالأحد أكتوبر 06, 2013 1:47 am من طرف nasrabotahoun

ازرار التصفُّح
 الصفحة الرئيسية
 قائمة الاعضاء
 البيانات الشخصية
 س .و .ج
التبادل الاعلاني
احداث منتدى مجاني
أفضل 10 أعضاء في هذا المنتدى
وسام هلال
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
ايمن ابو علام
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
ايمان خالد فتح الباب
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
انا و خلاص
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_rcapمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Voting_barمذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Vote_lcap 
اسم العضو:
كلمة السر:
ادخلني بشكل آلي عند زيارتي مرة اخرى: 
:: لقد نسيت كلمة السر
سحابة الكلمات الدلالية
الحملة قصيدة للصف الثانية فوائد الاول والتعليم تفسر الحركة ايفريقيا تحليل الارض الوحدة وزارة الكميائيه شوقي الشاعر الاعدادى الثالث انواع احمد حياتنا الخير القوة الهند المحاصيل
روابط هامة

 رئاسة مجلس الوزراء 

بوابة الحكومة المصرية

 المعايير القومية للتعليم


 مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ايمن ابو علام
عضو نشيط
عضو نشيط
ايمن ابو علام

القوس الخنزير
عدد المساهمات : 328
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/09/2009
العمر : 52
الموقع : alam100.malware-site.www

بطاقة الشخصية
لعب الادوار: 10

مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام   مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام Emptyالإثنين سبتمبر 06, 2010 11:39 pm

( Unit -- 1) التحية Greeting
الرد التحية
Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
How are you ? I'm fine , thanks .
How are things ? Fine , and you ?
Hi , / Hello …….. Hello …………..
عند النومwhen you go to bed / sleep
Good night Good night
مقابلة شخص لأول مرة meeting someone for the first time
How do you do ? How do you do ?
Hello , I'm ……. Pleased to meet you .
Good bye / Bye bye / Bye Good bye / Bye bye / Bye
See you later See you
للسؤال عن الصحة
How are you feeling ? / Are you well ? I'm fine thanks
1 – You meet your friend in the morning .
Good morning .
2 – You meet your boss for the first time .
How do you do ?
3 – A friend of your father greets you by saying how you are .
Fine , thanks .
4 - you leave your parents to go to bed .
good night .
What would you say in the following situations :
1 – You meet your teacher in the morning .
2 – You meet your father's friend in the afternoon .
3 – You leave your parents to go to bed .
4 – You meet your mother's friend for the first time .
5 – You have been introduced to a new friend .
6 – You meet your friends at school .
7 – You leave your friends in the evening .
8 –A friend of yours greets you by saying ," Hello , How are you ?"
9 – You meet your friend in the evening .
10 – You introduce your friend Ali to your parents .

Unit - 2
أسلوب الطلب
, Please ?المصدر + Will I ( you )…
Is it ok if
Can you lend me your camera , please ?
May I go to the toilet , please ?
 الموافقة
Ok / sure / certainly / go ahead / help yourself
here you are / yes , of course
( سبب الرفض ) I'm sorry
I'm sorry , I need it .
Sorry . I'm afraid you can't .
Well , I'd rather you didn't .
 لاحظ هذا الأسلوب في الطلب
Do ( Would ) you mind + V – ing ?
Would you mind lending me your camera ?
لاحظ الرد عليه بالموافقة يكون منفي كالأتي :
Not at all / No , I don't mind / No problem .
1 – you want to use your friend's camera .
Can I use your camera , please ?
2 – You'd like to borrow your friend's bike .
would you mind lending me your bike , please ?
3 – Your friend wants your dictionary and you agree .
Yes , of course .
4 – Your friend wants to take your pen but you need it .
I'm sorry , I need it .
Exercises :
What would you say in the following situations :
1 – You would like to use your friend's camera .
2 – Your friend wants to borrow your camera but you need it .
3 – Your friend wants to borrow your bike and you agree .
4 – You want to use your friend's dictionary .
5 – You ask your friend to lend you his bike .
6 – You ask your friend to go to the library with you .
7 – It's very cold . You ask you brother to shut the window .
8 – You want to borrow your friend's English book .
Unit - 3
Making suggestions and replying
لتقديم الاقتراحات نستخدم الأتي :
Shall we
المصدر Why don't we +
You could

What about
How about + V – ing
I suggest
قبول الاقتراح
 That's good ( great ) idea .
 Why not ?
 OK
 That sounds fine .
رفض الاقتراح
لست متحمسا  I'm not very keen .
 May be some other time .
 Sorry , I can't .
 I really don't feel like it .
1 – You suggest to go for a walk to your friend .
 let's go for a walk .
2 – Your friend suggests visiting the park and you like the idea .
 good idea .
3 – your friend suggests going to the cinema but you have an exam .
 I'm sorry I have an exam .
Exercises :
What would you say in the following situations :
1 – Your brother says ," Let's go to the cinema ." You don't agree .
2 – Your brother suggests going to the club and you like the idea .
3 – Your friend suggests going to the club but you have a lot of work .
4 – You suggest spending the weekend on your uncle's farm .
5 – You suggest taking your brother to see a film on the cinema .
6 – You suggest to spend the mid-year holiday in Alex .
7 – Your friend suggests playing basketball and you agree .
8 – You friend says ," Let's go shopping " but you are busy .
9 – you suggest going to the zoo with your friends .
10 – Your friend says , " Why don't we go and visit our friend ,Salim ?" but you have to see a doctor .
11 - your friend suggests going to the library and you like reading very much .
Unit - 4
التعامل مع الإنجازات Reporting achievements
 Congratulation . ( on your ……… )
 Great news ( about ………… )
 Well done .
 What great ( fantastic / wonderful ) news !
التعاطف sympathy ( bad things )
 I'm so sorry about the bad news .
 I'm so sorry to hear that .
 I was so sorry about that .
1 – Your friend has passed the first term exam .
 congratulation on your success .
2 – your friend's father has had an accident .
 I'm sorry to hear your bad news .
Exercises :
What would you say in the following situations :
1 – Your brother got the school prize and you feel happy for that .
2 – Your sister has got the best mark in Maths .
3 – Your cousin has just told you that she is going to get married .
4 – Your sister has got high score in her exam .
5 – Your sister has just had a new baby .
6 – Your sister has got a great job in a factory .
7 – You met Fatma who won a medal for Egypt in Sydney .
8 – Your friend has got low marks in the exam .
9 – Your friend's father has had an accident .
10 – You heard that your friend's uncle died .
Unit - 6
الاعتذار Apology
 I'm terribly ( awfully – really ) sorry .
 Excuse me , I'm afraid I ………………..
 I must apologise . I ………………………
أساليب قبول الاعتذار
 It doesn't matter  Never mind
 don't worry about it  That's OK
 That's all right .
أساليب رفض الاعتذار
 Oh , no ! It was new .  Well , I hope you replace it .
 I hope you get me another one .
Examples :
1 - you have broken tour sister's watch .
 I'm really sorry , I have broken your watch .
2 – Your friend ahs lost your camera and you are angry .
 Oh , no . It was new .
3 – Your friend has spilled coffee on your shirt but you aren't angry .
 Don't worry about that .
What would you say in the following situations :
1 – You came late to the English lesson .
2 – You have broken your friend's watch .
3 – You have broken your sister's eye glasses .
4 – You came late and the teacher is angry .
5 – Your sister is angry because you have broken her watch .
6 – You apologise to your brother because you have broken his camera
7 – You have broken your mother's favourite vase .
8 – You have forgotten to do the shopping and the mother is angry .
9 – You have lost your friend's pen .
10 – Your brother has lost your pen but you aren't angry .
Unit - 7
Giving advice
عندما تنصح شخص ما تقول :
 You should / shouldn't + inf ………..
 The best thing to do is to + inf …………….
 I advise you to / not to + inf ……………..
 If I were you , I’d + inf …………..
 You ought to + inf ………….
 You'd better + inf ……………..
للرد على النصيحة بالقبول نقول :
 Yes , you are right .
 That's a great idea .
عدم القبول نقول :
 I don't want to do that .
 I don't really think so .
 Certainly not …….

1 – You advise your uncle to go for a walk everyday .
 You should go for a walk everyday .
2 – Your brother has become fat . Advise him .
 You should do more exercises . You shouldn't eat much .
3 – Your sister got low marks in her exams , give her advice .
 If I were you , I would study hard .

Exercises :
What would you say in the following situations :
1 - Your uncle is smoking heavily .
2 – Your brother is driving too fast .
3 – Your sister is very tired . Advise her to have a rest .
4 – Your brother is having a test tomorrow and he is watching Tv .
5 – Your friend advises you to study and you accept his advice .
6 – Your friend advises you to stop smoking but you refuse his advice .
7 – You advise your brother to wash his hands before eating .
إعطاء الرأي Giving opinion
 I think we should ………..
 In my opinion …………….
 I believe ……………………
الموافقة علي الرأي Accept opinion
 I agree with you .
 That's right .
 That's what I think .
 I couldn't agree more .
 Exactly ! / absolutely !
رفض الرأي Refusing opinions
 I don't agree with you .
 No , I disagree .
 I really can't agree with you .
Examples :
1 – You think that English is the best subject .
 In my opinion , English is the best subject .
2 – Your friend thinks that sport is very useful . You agree .
 I agree with you .
3 – Your friend thinks watching TV is a waste of time . You don't agree
 I don't agree with you .
Exercises :
What would you say in the following situations :
1 – Your friend thinks that Egypt has the best football team . You disagree .
2 – Your friend says reading is important and you agree with him .
3 – You don't think that English is difficult .
4 – Salma thinks that throwing rubbish in the street is bad .
5 – Hesham doesn't like using car's horn outside buildings .
6 – Ahmed doesn't like rude players . Referee should give them red cards .
7 – You think that Maths is very easy .
8 - your friend thinks that we should help the poor .You agree with him

Unit - 1

معلومات information كيف حالك ؟ How do you do?
بالرغم من although طابت ليلتك Good night
قمر صناعي satellite إلي اللقاء Good bye
المحمول mobile phone كيف تسير الأمور ؟ How are things?
معظم الناس most people أحسن كثيرا a lot better
من المحتمل probably أراك قريبا See you later
ضخم – هائل enormous يتمني hope
الانترنت internet كيف حالك ؟ How are you?
خائف من Afraid of مؤتمر Conference
يخمن guess يغادر leave
فقرة paragraph تايلاند (دولة) Thailand
دولي international اليابان Japan
البريد الالكتروني E - mail جامعة university
يعني – يقصد Mean دواء medicine
رجل أعمال businessman الصين China
بليون billion يضع علامة tick
ومع ذلك however سبب reason
علماء scientists آله machine
متعة fun الشرق الأوسط The Middle East
خطأ mistake العام الأخير Last year
يمارس practise يفهم understand
يضع خط تحت underline مرشد سياحي tour guide
يكرر repeat اللغة اليونانية Greek
زمن الفعل tense لغة جديدة new language
عادات شخصية habits اللغة الصينية Chinese
حقيقي true برنامج program
اللغة اليابانية Japanese اللغة الفرنسية French
اليونان Greece كاتب writer
عربة الشركة Company car ينهي end
يختار choose محادثة conversation
حضانة أطفال Kindergarten عبارة phrase
مهتم بـ interested in فندق hotel
برامج programs خطط Plans
ما وراء البحار overseas السفر travelling
يعني – يقصد mean يتصل بـ Communicate with
قمر صناعي satellite موضوع topic
يذاكر study أساسي – رئيسي main
يحيي greet مشغول busy
يقدم introduce الصحة health

تصريفات الأفعال verb conjugation
P.P past Present
guessed guessed يخمن guess
blown blew تهب blow
communicated communicated يتصل بــcommunicate with
dried dried يجفف dry
checked checked يفحص check
risen rose يرتفع rise
sold sold يبيعsell
told told يخبر tell
sent sent يرسلsend
meant meant يعنيmean
thought thought يفكرthink
spoken spoke يتحدثspeak
taught taught يعلمteach
found found يجدfind
waited waited ينتظر wait
Spelled /spelt Spelled /spelt يتهجىspell
met met يقابلmeet
practised practised يمارسpractise

a.m in the morning
p.m in the evening - in the afternoon

enjoy + ( v – ing )
 I enjoy playing tennis .
مهتم بــ ( be ) interested in + ( V – ing & noun )
 He is interested in reading .
ممتع – مثير interesting
 Music is interesting to him .
وظيفة ( اسم يعد ويأخذ أداة نكرة ) job
 He has a good job in the factory .
عمل ( اسم لا يعد و لا يأخذ أداة نكرة ) work
 His work is to direct the workmen .

busy + V – ing

 He is busy learning the lessons .

The present continuous المضارع المستمر
( am – is – are ) + V + ing

 He is reading a story .
 They are fishing .
 I'm watching TV .
1 – يصف حدث يتم الآن ومستمر في الحدوث :
 I'm wearing the coat as it is cold .
2 – يصف حدث سوف يحدث في المستقبل القريب ولكن خططنا له من قبل أو أعددنا له من قبل :
 I'm going to the cinema tonight .
3 – لا يستخدم مع أفعل الشعور و الملكية و العاطفة :

want – prefer – like – love – hate – belong – have – see – hear believe – mean – understand – forget – remember – seem .

 These shoes belong to me . ( not are belonging to me )
الكلمات الدالة
Now – at the moment – at present – look – listen – still
 He is reading .
 Is he reading ?  What is he reading ?
المضارع البسيطThe present Simple Tense
التكوين : ♣ يتكون الفعل في المضارع البسيط من المصدر + S إذا كان فاعل الجملة مفرد :
( He – She – It – Usama ) drives a bus .
 أو من التصريف الأول فقط إذا كان فاعل الجملة جمع أ الضمير " I " :
 ( I – We – You – They – Students ) go to school at 7.30 a.m .
 الأفعال المنتهية بــ ( O – X – ch – sh – ss ) نضيف إليها (es )
 I do : He does &  We watch : She watches
الفعل المنتهى بــ (Y ) مسبوقة بحرف ساكن تحول إلى (ies )
 I carry : Mona carries &  I say : He says
الاستخدام :
1 – نستخدم المضارع البسيط حينما نتحدث عن عادة أو حدث يتكرر حدوثه فى حياتنا اليومية .
 He gets up at six o'clock .  Ahmed works in a factory .
 We eat lunch at 3 o'clock p.m .  They go to the cinema on Fridays .
2 – يستخدم حينما نتحدث عن الحقائق .
 The sun rises in the east .  Birds fly and fish swim .
3 – يمكن استخدام المضارع البسيط حينما نتكلم عن خطط السفر ( المواعيد الثابتة ) .
 The flight to Vienna leaves on Monday .  We arrive in Luxor at 7.30.
الكلمات الدالة
always – usually – generally – often – frequently – sometimes – occasionally
ever – never – every day – rarely – seldom – scarcely – on Mondays .
ملحوظة هامة : هذه الكلمات توضع بعد (Verb to be ) أو قبل الفعل الرئيسي .
♣ Mr. Ahmed is always late for school .
♣ Mr. Ahmed always arrives late .
المضارع البسيط في النفي :
 إذا كان الفعل مضاف إليه (s ) ينفى بــ (doesn't ) وتحذف الــ (s ) .
♣ He studies E. well .  He doesn't study E. well .
 إذا كان الفعل غير منتهى بــ (s ) نستخدم ( don't ) .
♣ I go to school early .  I don't go to school early .
الاستفهام :

♣ He works hard .  Does he work hard ?
♣ They work hard  Do they work hard ?
 إذا كان السؤال به ( does ) يضاف للفعل (s ) أو ( es ) عند الإجابة بالإثبات .
♣ What does he play ?  He plays chess .

Unit ( 1 )

( 1 ) Choose the correct answer:
1- When I get up, I say ( good afternoon - good evening - good morning – good night) to my family.
2- When I meet someone at 7 pm., I say(good afternoon - good evening - good morning- good luck).
3- When I go to sleep, I say (good evening – goodnight - good afternoon -good luck) to my family.
4- When I meet someone for the first time, I say (how are things – how are you feeling - how do you do - are you well ) ?
5- When I visit my friend who is ill in hospital I say, (how do you do? - how are you feeling? - bye for now - glad to see you.)
6- I enjoy (read - to read - reading be read) stories.
7- We saw the football (match – sport – exercise - athletic) between Ahly and Zamalek.
8- When I left my friend I said, ( how are you? - how do you do? - see you later. - how are you feeling? )
9- I hope you are (good – well – best - bad).
10- "am." means (in the evening in the morning at night! in the afternoon).
11- "pm." means (in the evening at noon - in the morning - at dawn).
12- When I ask about someone's (wealth – health – deeds - actions), I say "How are you?"
13- We (saw – see - seeing seen) with our eyes.
14- I like to ( hear - Listen - touch – smell ) music.
15- When I visit London, I usually stay at a (hospital - school I hotel - Shop )
16- He is a professor, he works in the (shop – clinic – university - school).
17- There are sixty seconds in (a minute - an hour - a day - a year).
18- He joined the faculty of (medicine - arts – science – engineering ) to become a doctor.
19- ( Italy - China – Greece – England ) is in Asia.
20- Doctors attended (a conference - a reference - a difference - an inference ), about eye diseases.
21- He went to (school – hospital – shop - theatre) because he was ill.
22- How ( does – do – have - has) you ?
23- How (does – do – have – has ) you do?
24- Very nice to (meet – meeting – meets – met ) you.
25- ( Have – Are – Is – Had ) you well ?
26- When I meet someone for the first time, I say (how do you do? how are thing ? - how are you feeling ? - how is life ? )
27- To end a conversation I say, (good afternoon - good morning – bye for now – how are you ? )
28- He comes from Paris; he speaks (English - Italian – French - Greek).
29- When I go to school, I usually (live – leave – come - take) home at seven o'clock.
30- The washing (tool – instrument – machine - equipment) saves time and effort.
31- Mr Ahmed ( learns – teaches – takes – gives ) us English.
32- In Egypt we speak ( French – English – Arabic - Chinese).
33- He is a professor; he works in the ( school – kindergarten – university - Farm ).
34- He is (interest – interested – interesting - fun) in music.
35- Jordan is in the ( Far – Near – Middle –Furthest ) East.
36- He has got a good ( work – job – deed – action ) in the company.
37- We laughed a lot because the film was ( tragic - funny - weeping – crying ).
38- Look! She ( cook – cooks - is cooking - is cooked ) the meat.
39- He ( walk – walks - is walking - is walked ) to school every day.
40- They ( traveling – travels - are traveling – traveled ) to Alex. next month.
41- We ( get- gets - are getting – getting ) up early every morning.
42- ( Does – Are – Is ) you like football ?
43- he ( read – reading - is reading - is read ) the magazine at the moment
44- Arabic is ( a national - an international - a local - an unknown ) language.
45- ( Satellite - Comet - Lunar - Star) television helps people to see programs from different parts of the world.
46- By means of the computer you can send (letters - telegrams - e-mails - Televisions ) to your friends.
47- I am not sure, he will (definitely - probably - surely - mostly) come tomorrow.
48- A ( million - thousand - billion - hundred) people speak Chinese as their first language.
49- A whale is ( little – small – tiny – enormous ) in size.
50- ( Scientists - Workers - Mechanics - Carpenters) do experiments to prove their points of view.
51- I can easily (connect – combine – communicate – join ) with my friends with the help of mobile phones.
52- He is busy (do! does! doing! done) his homework.
53- The teacher did not allow him to enter the class because he was ( lately – later – late - of late ).
54- Look! A young boy ( is ridden - is riding – ride - be ridden ) a horse.
55- He ( watches - Watch - is watched – watching ) TV every evening.
56- A good pupil ( is obeying - is obeyed – obey – obeys ) his teachers.
57- He is at home and he ( is done - is doing – do – did ) his homework now.
58- Water ( boils - may boil - will boil - boiled ) at 100 degrees.
59- Listen ! The boys………………...a lot of noise.
a) make b) made c ) were making d ) are making
60- The sun……………….....us heat and light.
a) gives b) giving c) to give d ) give
61- We...................an exam next week.
a) were taking b) taken c) are taking d ) took
62- Look! She…………....the food.
a) cook b) cooks c) is cooked d ) is cooking
63- He...............to the club every week.
a) walk b) walks c) walked d ) is walking
64- We.......................up early every morning.
a) get b) gets c) got d ) are getting
65- They.....................tennis now.
a) play b) playing c) are playing d) played
66- ...................................you like football?
a)Do b)Does c)Are d ) is
67- The Earth............................round the sun.
a) is going b) will go c) goes d ) went
68- Sometimes, I............................to school by bus.
a) goes b) go c) going d ) gone
69- Look! The car…………………..
a) come b) coming d ) is coming d ) came
70- Mother..........................our lunch now.
a) would prepare b) prepare c ) prepared d) is preparing
71- He never.........................with matches.
a ) playing b ) plays c ) play d ) had played
72 – I usually watch TV at 6 o'clock but now I ( am writing - wrote - write - has written ) a letter to my pen-friend .
73 – Soha is a tennis player . She ( plays - was playing - played- had played) for the national team .
74 – Students (ever - often - usually - never ) go school on Fridays .
75 – We ( answer – answered – are answering – answers ) all the questions now .
76 – My cousin works ( of – about – for – on) an international company.
77 – My cousin (working – works – have worked – are working) for an international company.
78 – Sometimes I ( goes – go – going – gone ) to school by bus .
79 – Mother ( cooks – has cooked – is cooking – was cooking ) the dinner now. She can't answer the phone .
80 – He never ( playing – plays – play – has played ) with matches.
81 – After school I usually (helps – help – helped –helping)my mother.
( 2 ) Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He is gentle at all times. (always)
2- He doesn't come late. (never)
3- Everything is arranged for my travel to Alex . ( traveling )
4- Water boils at 100 degrees. ( always )
5- He does not drink tea at all . (never )
6- It is arranged that he will fly to London next week. ( flying )
7- She is intelligent at all times . (always )
8- We don't come late. (never )
9- our train arrives on time regularly . ( always )
10- She goes to her work in time regularly. (always)
11- They are going to leave after an hour. (leaving )
12- She is clever at all times. (always )
13- She does not write French. ( never )
14- The bus is going to arrive in the afternoon. ( arriving )
15- My uncle is buying a new car next week. ( going )
16- He is nice at all times. ( always )
17- He doesn't eat meat. ( never )
18 - The train is going to arrive in the afternoon. ( arriving )
19 - My aunt is buying a new watch next month. ( going )
20 - She is nice at all times. ( always )
21 - She doesn't eat fruit. ( never )

( 3 ) Read and match:
1- English is an important
2- A lot of people are learning English
3- Don't be afraid
4- He's learning Italian
5- Do you fell *of making mistakes .
*better today , sally ?
*world language .
*by car
*as second language .
*to travel to Italy .

( 4 ) Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue
between Ali and his friend Amr about English:
Ali : What's your favourite subject?
Amr : My favourite subject is English.
Ali : .............................(1)…………………...
Amr : I have five English lessons a week.
Ali : Do you study English outside school?
Amr : .............................(2).............................
Ali : How ?
Amr : ............................(3)..............................

( 5 ) Supply the following dialogue between a reporter
and a tourist:

Reporter : How are you?
Tourist : I'm fine, thank you.
Reporter : ……………….............( 1 ) …………………....
Tourist : Yes, of course.
Reporter : Where do you come from?
Tourist : ……………………… ( 2 ) ……..……………..
Reporter : Britain ! ……………. ( 3 ) ……..…………….?
Tourist : Yes , I visited Aswan last week .

( 6 ) Read and correct the underlined word(s):

1- Look! she cook the meat .
2- He walk to school every day
3- We gets up early every morning .
4- Does you like football ?
5- The moon give light at night.
6- They playing tennis now.
7- Do you visit Aswan?
8- We communicate to foreigners in English.
9- The sun give light in the morning.
10- You leaves your family to go to bed.

Unit – 2

عبر across رصيف pavement
ميدالية medal يفحص – يراجع check
يسقط Fall بالتأكيد sure
يحاول try يصحح Correct
يتحسن get better جملة Sentence
رائع fantastic ينظر wait
شجاع brave بين between
يشارك في Take part in على ما يرام Ok
حادث accident يلتمس – يطلب - طلب request
معمل كمبيوتر Computer lab بالطبع Of course
الزراعة farming يغادر Leave
يسافر travel خطأ wrong
يلبس قبعة In(with) a hat صعب difficult
الرياح wind كرسي بعجل ( للمقعدين ) wheel chair
بصحة healthy تذكرة ticket
تاريخ history مؤدب Polite
علوم science يتذكر remember
فجأة suddenly على الإطلاق Not at all
تهب الرياح blow بالتأكيد certainly
قفص cage إلى حد ما rather
يمسك catch مخيف - فظيع terrible
خائف Frightened تحت under
يسقط Drop يفقد lose
بسبب because of ذات ليلة One night
نفس الشيء the same thing الدور السفلي downstairs
خارج outside من ذراعه by his arm
يصيح shout يضرب hit
في النهاية Finally آمن Safe
غوريلا gorilla بجوار next to
إشارة / لافتة sign يهتم - اهتمام care
مكالمة تليفونية Phone call يستعير borrow
هواء منعش Fresh air نائم asleep
يتنفس breathe ممنوع ركن السيارات No parking
ألعاب المعاقين Paralympic games فيلم معروض a film on
شجاع brave الترام tram
ينطلق – يبدأ العمل go ahead في هذه الليلة tonight
حبل rope نار fire
مرآه mirror جائزة prize
مطعم restaurant يصلح mend
سباق race موضوع – أمر matter
شقة flat بيت home
فيلا villa منزل house
يخيف Frighten (v) الخوف Fright (n)
ابن الأخ أو الأخت nephew خائف frightened (adj)
بنت الأخ أو الأخت niece
تصريفات الأفعال verb conjugation
P.P past Present
hurt hurt يؤذيhurt
blown blew تهبblow
requested requested يطلبrequest
checked checked يراجعcheck
left left يغادرleave
waited waited ينتظرwait
found found يجدfind
sunk sank يغوصsink
shone shone تشرقshine
held held يمسكhold
borrowed borrowed يقترضborrow
dropped dropped يسقط / يلقيdrop
Woken up Woke up يستيقظwake up
meant meant يعنيmean
الماضي البسيط The past simple tense
 التصرف الثاني للفعل بإضافة d – ed – ied ) ) للفعل المنتظم والفعل الشاذ يحفظ .
 Samy played football yesterday .
Ali went to Cairo last year .
1 – حدث بدأ وانتهى في الماضي  She visited Cairo last month .
2 – عادة كانت تحدث في الماضي و انتهت . When I was young , I went to Alexandria 3 – يستخدم مع الكلمات الآتية :
Yesterday – last – ago – once – one day – in ( 1999 ) – in the past
in the old days – in the ancient times – this ( morning , evening …..)

النفي ينفى الماضي البسيط بـــ ( المصدر ( didn't +
 He didn't play chess yesterday .
سؤال بـــــ " هل "
 Did you visit Cairo last week ?  Yes, I did .  No, I didn't .
سؤال بـــــ " أداة استفهام "
 What did you study yesterday ?  I studied English and maths .
الماضي المستمر The past continuous tense

Was / Were + V –ing

 He was playing chess .
 They were reading stories .

1- حدث استمر فترة فى الماضي :
 He was studying at five .
2 – حدث كان مستمرا عندما قطع استمراره حدث أخر :
 While I was going to the mosque , I met Omar .
لاحظ ا لأتى

( ماضي بسيط ) , ( ماضي مستمر ) فاعل
Just as
* While I was doing my homework , my father came .
لاحظ الجمل الآتية مع "When " :
* When my father came , I was watching TV .
* When I was watching TV , my father came .
* When The thief saw the police , he ran away .
لذلك " " When تفهم من سياق الكلام ( حسب المعنى ) .
Unit ( 2 )

( 1 ) Choose the correct answer:

1- As he cannot walk, he moves with the help of a ( wheelchair - bike – plane – kite )
2- Be (careless - careful - lost - cared) of that knife, it is very sharp.
3- People can easily walk on the (middle - pavilion - centre – pavement ) of the street .
4- I ( lent - borrowed - gavel handed ) a pen from my friend to write .
5- I haven't got enough money to buy this (cheap –expensive – extensive . expanding ) camera .
6- It was very hot, I took a bath when I went (house - flat - home - tower) .
7- I (shook - checked - shouted - told) my answers to make sure they are right .
8- The question was so (easy - difficult - clear - obvious ) that I couldn't answer it.
9- The girl ( helped - refused - took - gave ) her mother with the housework .
10- I took the camera at my father's ( quest - queue - quiz - request ) .
11- Saha ( is - were - are - has ) going to the shops with Nadia .
12- ( Must - May - Is - Does ) I help you onto the pavement ? thank you
13- Do you mind if I ( borrowed - borrow - borrows) your mobile ?
14- ( Is - Were - Was - Has) it OK if I go to the shops with Ahmed ?
15- I cannot leave my car here, there is the sign (No parking - Parking space - parking meter - parking ticket) .
16- We went to the ( pan - portion - park - port ) to play with the ball .
17- I went ( house - home - flat - block ) and had a bath before sleeping .
18- Please ( open - take - close - give ) the window as there is much noise outside .
19- I ( borrowed - lent - gave - offered ) your camera so that I might take some pictures .
20- I ( gave - put - opened - took ) a picture of the car with my camera .
21- I want to ( make - work - take - get ) a phone call to my father to tell him that I'll be late .
22- Don't make any noise, the child is (sleep - asleep - awake - awakened ) .
23- I like being in the ( town - city - country - capital ) to enjoy the fresh air .
24- The washing ( engine - machine - tool - instrument ) saves time and effort .
25- It is better to have good ( wealth - health - property - mind ) so as not diseases
26- Could I go to the park to fly my kite? Sorry, ( certainly - of course – sure – I'd rather you didn't )
27- Is it OK if I close the window ? Yes, of certainly – course – sure - I'd rather you didn't ) .
28- Do you mind if I make a phone call ? Sony, ( certainly – course – sure - I'd rather you didn't ) .
29- ( Will - Would – Shall – Should ) you rather drink water or orange juice when you're hot ? I'd rather drink water .
30- He had ( an incident - an accident – an event – news ) and lost one leg.
31- He ( lost – gave – got –belonged ) his arm in the accident .
32- He ( failed - fell – filled – pulled ) in a hole while he was walking .
33- He went to (school – club – workshop – hospital ) because he was very ill.
34- He would rather ( eat – ate – eating – eaten ) a cake .
35- He slowly got (good – better – best – bad )
36- He learnt to swim with the help of a swimming (student - teacher - baby) .
37- The teacher (taught - learnt - knew - got) me English .
38- He walked three ( hundred – hundreds -thousands - tens) metres .
39- Teachers like him because he is (bad - low/ severe - fantastic) in all subjects
40- He swam ( across - of - on - up ) the sea from France to England .
41- He ( got - took - gave – lost ) part in the competition and won .
42- When the door bell rang, she ( washed - washes - has washed - was washing ) the dishes .
43- My brother ( is watching - was watching - has watched - will watch ) TV when my uncle came .
44- While he was doing his homework, his friend ( comes - came - was coming - was come ) and helped him .
45- He ( play - played - playing - plays ) basketball yesterday .
46- They ( visit - visited - visiting - visits ) Aswan last year .
47- He ( drew - draws - was drawing - is drawing ) his friend's picture the whole day yesterday .
48- She ( carried - was carried - was carrying - is carrying ) her bag when a thief grabbed it and ran away .
49- A ten ( year - years - months - days ) old boy came to visit us .
50- There was a man in the zoo ( watch - watched - watching - watches ) the lions .
51- We were hot when a hot wind ( blew - went - got - gave ) .
52- Lions are usually kept in ( boxes - trees - houses - cages ) .
53- The policeman ( held - caught - touched - taught ) the thief who was running away .
54- He was ( fearful - frightened - feared - frightful ) when the lion came towards him .
55- He ( descended - climbed - went down - got down ) the stairs to get to his flat on the third floor .
56- The helicopter ( fell - dropped - slipped - came ) food to the people in the mountain .
57- Although the gorilla attacked him, he was ( injured - hurt - safe - broken ) .
58- We usually sleep in the (kitchen - bathroom - bedroom - dining room ) .
59- He jumped down and his father caught him (safely - safe - safety - save ).
60- When the door bell rang, she ( washed - washes - was washing - was washed ) the clothes .
61- He ( drew - draws - was drawing is drawing ) his friend's picture the whole day yesterday .
62- He ( climbed - was climbed - was climbing - climbs ) the ladder when suddenly he fell down and hurt his leg .
63- Just as he (crosses - crossed - was crossed - was crossing ) car hit him .
64 – The baby ( was crawling – has crawled – crawls – is crawling ) when I opened the door .
65 – Hany was burning rubbish when his clothes ( caught – catch – is catching – catches ) fire .
66 – When the door bell rang , she ( washed – washes – was washing – is washing ) the dishes .
67 – It took them a long time to put ( off – in – out – of ) the fire.
68 – You mustn't give ( of – over – up – out ) hope .
69 – Ali ( was studying – studied – studies – study ) when the flat caught the fire .
70 – It ( rains – is raining – was raining – will rain ) all night yesterday .
71 – My sister ( sleeping – sleeps – was sleeping – were sleeping ) when mother arrived home .
72 – ( Have – Were – Are – Did ) you sleeping when the telephone rang ?
73 – He ( watched – watching – was watching – am watching ) TV when the electricity switched off .
74 – Hani was driving home when he ( has – have – had – was having ) an accident .
75 – I ( was reading – am reading – reading – have been reading ) the newspaper when the telephone rang .
76 – He stood up ( but – and – to – so ) left the room .
77 – The fire broke ( out – down – into – off ) at one o'clock in the morning.
78 – We are proud ( in – of – at – from ) our president Mubarak .
79 – I ( have – was having – have had – am having ) lunch when my friend phoned .
80 – My sister ( watched – is watching – has watched – was watching ) TV when my uncle came to visit us .
81 – I was reading the newspaper when the phone ( ring – rang – rings – was ringing)

( 2 ) Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in
brackets to give the same meaning:

1- I have lived in Cairo since 1988 . (for)
2- We have stayed in Alex for 3 years . (since)
3- She finished her homework a short time ago . (Just)
4- I want you to lend me your camera . (Would you mind)
5- He was reading the paper when he heard a cry . ( just )
6- He was going home when it began to rain . ( while )
7- He was watching TV when his father entered . ( while )
8- While he was climbing the tree, he fell down . ( when )
9- As he was crossing the street, it began to rain . ( when )
10- My father was reading the newspaper. He fell asleep . ( while )
11- He was watching the film when the lights went out . ( while )
12- It grew dark while he was going home . ( when )
13- He was reading when the telephone rang . ( As )
14- The telephone rang while I was sleeping . ( When )
15- I can't see sandwiches on the table . ( There are )
16- I was going home when I fell down . ( while )
17- My father is buying a new car tomorrow . ( is going )

( 3 ) Finish the following dialogue between Mai and Heba:

Mai : What's your favourite subject ?
Heba : ……………………………….. ( 1 ) …………………….. is maths .
Mai : I don't like maths -
Heba : ………………………………. ( 2 ) ………………………
Mai : I enjoy science specially doing experiments -
Heba : ……………………………….. ( 3 ) ………………………
Mal : In the school laboratory .
Heba : That's fantastic .
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مذكرة منهج الصف الثالث لغة انجليزية (من 1 : 20 ) / ايمن ابو علام
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» مذكرة فى منهج الصف الاول الاعدادى حاسب الى ترم اول
» ادخل وحمل مذكرة التاريخ الجديد للصف الثانى (الاستاذ/ ايمن ابو علام)
» أوائل الصف الثانى للعام 2009 ( ايمن ابو علام )
» تصحيح اخطاء منهج الصف الثالث دراسات اجتماعية
» اقوى مذكرة دراسات اجتماعية للصف الثالث( ايمن/منقول)

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى فتح الله بركات الاعدادية بنات  :: المواد الدراسية للمرحلة الاعدادية :: اللغة الانجليزية :: الصف الثالث-
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